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The digitalisation of the world offers countless opportunities to develop new businesses, improve existing business models and facilitate collaboration. Individual learning, situational consulting and engaging training formats can also be completely rethought.

 is developing new solutions for virtual collaboration, driving digital innovation and investing in new digital formats.

At the heart of our developments is the following mission:

To use digital tools and formats to put people back at the heart of business.

In a non-linear, often incomprehensible world, there is only one reliable anchor point: trusted, personal collaboration - within the company, with customers, with suppliers.

With our digital solutions, we create the basis for binding cooperation in business life. We are Digital Fellows..

Got curious? Then contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Leadership today means more pressure, less time and more demands.

In the age of digitalisation, communication, leadership and collaboration are becoming fundamental building blocks for sustainable business success.

With this new, dialogue-oriented solution, the consulting firm
Fellows & Sparks builds a bridge between the current and future working environment.

The Fellows Academy combines leadership, collaboration, communication and leadership development. It connects vision, mission and business goals with daily challenges and interactions.

This is the only way to develop a corporate culture for a digital world that is close to people - a culture that creates security, orientation and trust. The only constant in tomorrow's business world.


We are ready to set sails!

 is at home in Schleswig-Holstein - on the Baltic Sea coast. What could be more obvious than to do something with sailing yachts?

On January 5 2025 we launched our new release of our "SEARIUS" app in the Apple and Google stores.

We offer the only communication and service platform for the business relationship between sailing yacht owners and shipyard operators. With intuitive solutions, SEARIUS creates a better overview of communication, maintenance, and service for everyone!  

SEARIUS – you sail. we care. your nautical network.

SEARIUS creates order - for owners and shipyards alike. It puts an end to mismatched deadlines and expectations. It reduces the risk of orders being forgotten or handled incorrectly. SEARIUS helps the yard to become more efficient and profitable. Even in the first version, the direct, digital customer contact enables the yard to offer additional services in a targeted and simple way, thus generating additional revenue.

Owners, on the other hand, experience a stress-free service process for a boat they bought for one purpose: Sailing pleasure. Customer satisfaction increases and value retention becomes visible through standardized, documented processes.  

SEARIUS creates clarity, transparency, and reliability in yacht servicing. It is the alternative to the paperwork, daily telephone chaos, confusing Excel spreadsheets and expensive goodwill work that is still common in many shipyards today.

SEARIUS is already more than the answer to unfulfilled customer expectations and costly misunderstandings.


SEARIUS läuft zurzeit im ersten Praxistest und steht daher nur Kunden unseres Projekt-Partners Yachtzentrum Damp zur Verfügung. 

But as early as autumn 2025, we will be bringing other shipyards and yacht service providers on board.

If you would like to be part of this, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

digitalfellows GmbH

Geschäftsführer: Axel Kühn

Lange Str. 89 | D-24399 Arnis

+49-4642-924087 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Handelsregister Flensburg | HRB 14552 FL